What are the Benefits of Forestry Mulching?

Improves Soil Quality
When finely chipped and ground mulch can be left behind to decompose naturally, it creates great food for the soil that improves its overall quality and integrity, reduces erosion, and better supports mature trees.

Less Destructive to the Landscape
Hydraulic mulching doesn't involve ripping or pulling anything out; instead, it grinds and chips things down to the ground, leaving behind a bed of natural mulch. It is easier to leave certain elements like mature trees behind while removing other brush, smaller trees, and other similar items.

Faster, Easier, and More Economical
Hydraulic forestry mulching tractors are multi-functional when used with the right attachments and can perform all parts of necessary mulching and clearing.


Prevents Soil Erosion
Bypasses the need for traditional scraping and pulling land clearing methods that disturb the soil and can cause erosion to be a major problem afterward.

Controls Overgrowth
Layers of natural mulch left over cleared lands serves to control brush overgrowth in areas where fire prevention is critical.

No Waste
By using hydraulic mulching rather than cutting down, there is no vegetation to carry away and no need to start dangerous polluting fires to burn piles of clearing waste.


Forestry Mulching vs Traditional Clearing

Forestry Mulching Traditional Clearing
Single-step process Multi-step process
Seldom requires permitting Requires permitting and site plan
Preserves and builds topsoil layer Damages and dislocates topsoil layer
Low ground pressure High ground pressure (compaction)
Promotes a healthy ecosystem Requires additional erosion control
(silt fencing and catch basins)
Workable in wet and snowy weather Highly weather dependent
No burning, chipping or hauling Often necessitates burning and/or
chipping and hauling
No windrows or brush piles Leaves windrows and brush piles
Recycles biomass Discards biomass
Extremely selective Damages nearby trees and vegetation
Visually appealing Unsightly scarred appearance
Sustainable Unsustainable

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